Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Boys are dominating...

My brother and sister-in-law just had their ultrasound the other day and found out they are having a boy. I could've sworn it was going to be a girl. This is the way it works in our family. All of the siblings kids usually round each other out in the boy/girl category. In the beginning, the boys dominated until Tad decided to have a bunch of girls and it evened out a bit. Now the boys are starting to dominate again, which leads me to believe that mine HAS to be a girl. If it is not, then the universe is not in alignment. That would leave the score Boys: 9 Girls: 5. It's not even and frankly, it's just not right. I need a girl to even the score to Boys: 8 Girls: 6 and then my other sisters-in-law are going to have to get cracking on making some girls. What do YOU think it will be? I have included a poll on the side for your convenience. Make sure you vote for girl, otherwise you are going to be so embarrassed when we find out. :)


  1. I've been thinking "girl" since I found out you were preggo. I don't know why - just seems right for you to now have a girl!

  2. Lisa thinks it's going to be a girl, but she voted boy just to be a punk.
