Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Paradigm Shift

I experienced a paradigm shift today. I was reading a book about how our bodies are temples, which makes them holy. While I was reading, I began to ponder about our pre-mortal life and that those who chose to follow God's plan were able to come to earth and receive a body, meaning that everyone we meet was righteous at one time. It made me think of the homeless man I see walking on the street all the time and even the kids (or even grown ups for that matter) that are crude and ignorant. When I thought about how we were all on the same side at one point, but then, due to some poor choices or a lack of knowledge everyone went their own way once they came to earth. It helps me look at people that annoy me or people that I instantly judge with a little more compassion and understanding, which I have always had a hard time with. Everyone is a child of God, no matter the circumstance, and maybe I can start treating people as such.

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