Monday, March 16, 2009

Fun with pressure cookers

We got a pressure cooker for Christmas and we used it for the first time to cook our Sunday dinner. We decided to cook a whole turkey inside it. It was the most magnificent thing I have ever seen. Not only did it cook for just a little over an hour, but the meat was practically, no, literally falling off the bone. When we opened the cooker, we saw 2 turkey leg bones sticking out with the meat falling off. It was the most delicious and juicy turkey I have ever had. We get really excited about food over here, just ask Abby. Anyone that has been in nursery with her knows that girl can eat. I wonder where she gets it from?


  1. Man, of course you have to wait to use it until we leave. Selfish ;) We've been trying out new recipes over here! How about you??

  2. Wow! That is so great. I never did a turkey in my pressure cooker....I wish I had. I'll have to look in to getting another PC and do some experimenting, too. Happy eating! ;-)

  3. How pathetic is it that I don't even know what a pressure cooker is???


  4. That is so great. I never did a turkey in my pressure cooker....I wish I had. pressure cookers
