Monday, July 20, 2009

Abby vs. Rex

Ever since Abby was born, we've always said she was super-advanced...practically a genius. So now that Rex is here, we're wondering if he is super advanced as well. Today we got our answer. We were trying to get Abby to pee in her little potty and she was not interested at all. So we told her Rex was going to take a turn on the potty. Of course, at this she screamed "NOOOOO, Abby's turn!" So she sat down. Of course, there were no results from this. So Abby and Rex took turns sitting on the potty and when it was Rex's turn, HE WENT PEE!!! IN THE POTTY!!!! How advanced is that!! Abby can't even do that yet. Score...Abby 0 Rex 1...until a few hours later we overheard Abby "reading" one of her books and she counted to 9 all by herself!! Abby 1 Rex 1.


  1. That's pretty awesome. You should post this on Mobolus.

  2. Holly cow!!!! That's crazy! Are you gonna try potty training him? :) j/k. That would be funny though. What a story:) This is Annemarie, by the way. I hope you guys are doing well!
