Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Man, can that girl eat!

Abby is definately feeling better. And her appetite is back with a vengeance. Here is a log of what she ate yesterday. (remember that she is only 19 months old) I gave her a adult size bowl of cereal for breakfast, which she ate the entire thing. About 30 min later I gave her a bag of grapes, which she downed over the next hour. Then she helped herself to some crackers out of the cupboard while I did some Yoga. By the time I was finished with that, it was time for lunch, where she ate half a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, some more grapes, some blueberries, and a mixed fruit cup. Then she took a nap and when she woke up she was ready for more. She ate some more crackers and then at dinner she ate 2 adult slices of pizza, some salad and some more grapes and then washed it all down with a cookie. She would have ate all night if we had let her. Craig gave her a slice of orange right before bed and then she went to sleep. She ate probably as much as I did, and I'm pregnant!! I'm glad to see she is feeling much, much, better, even though she eats like a teenage boy.


  1. HAHAHA Thats soooooooo good to hear! I've been so worried about you guys but if I didn't eat as long as her I'd probably be gobbling that stuff down too! LOL

  2. I'm so glad she's doing better-what an appetitie!!

  3. Wow! If my boys ate a whole slice of pizza they would be done for the whole day. That is very impressive! Glad to hear she's feeling better!
