Saturday, February 7, 2009

Now who will flex with me in the mirror?

I never thought the day would come...Katie's gone...*sniff* My exercise buddy (sort of not right now) and dinner buddy moved to Utah. Who's going to do triathlons with me and help me lose all my baby weight? More importantly, now where am I gonna get a home cooked meal on Thursdays??
Speaking of home cooked meals, we need a replacement for the Bodells, and fast! Anyone want to do dinners with us? We cook on Tuesday and you can cook on Thursday. That way, you are guaranteed to have a home cooked meal at least twice a week!
Oh, and have a safe trip Katie! We'll miss you! (see you in March?)


  1. You guys just need to follow them up here and then we could all live in Utah and have 3 home cooked meals a week!! :)

  2. Thanks for making me cry punk! I really miss you too! Infacet I miss you so much that I had a dream about you the other night. I don't remember what it was about but it was about you. Also, my phone is dead so until I call you from it, call Sterling's and I left you a movie through the doggie door. I stopped by around 9 on Firday morning to say good bye but no one answered the door and reading that last post makes me think that you were probably still asleep! So, I am pretty sure that I will be down in March. I'm having a really hard time adjusting. I thought that maybe getting everything unpacked and making it more like "home" would help but it's not. I miss you guys!
