Friday, January 29, 2010

It's all a conspiracy...

I'm pretty sure that my kids are conspiring against me. On the rare occasion that Rex actually sleeps 6 hours straight, Abby decides to wake up screaming in the middle of the night. Here's what I think is their conversation:

Rex: "Hey, Abby. I'm really tired tonight. Can you take over for me?
Abby: "I'd love to. I haven't woken up mommy in a long time. It'll be fun."

Is this a little paranoid? Maybe. But you are also looking at a girl who hasn't had more than 3 or 4 hours straight of sleep in probably a year. It messes with your mind.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Ask and ye shall receive...

Some of you asked for a picture of my haircut without the watermark. I don't know why you didn't like the other picture. I guess I'll just have to post one of me after I'm all done up. But before I do that, I have to post this picture of Abby. She fell asleep in her pigtails and when she woke up they were straight up, like little horns.

Ok, now here's the real picture. Aaaaah, the joys of newly cut hair....

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I don't mean to brag...

Abby is pretty much the most awesome toddler I know. Yesterday we went for a 2.5 mile walk and she walked the whole way and even ran some of it. No strollers for her. :) Oh, and yes, she slept VERY well last night.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Doing the Bunny Hop!

So I got my Valley Wide mailer the other day and what is on the cover?? The Bunny Hop is back! My family used to participate in this 5k as well as the turkey trot in November and I have fond memories of it. My favorite was the time when Cam cut corners on the course and my mom turned him in and got him disqualified. Any thoughts on this mom? I assume it was a lesson in honesty?

Anyhow, every year we did it, I was sure that I would win for my age group and get one of those cool gift baskets as a prize, but for some reason, I never won. Maybe it was the lack of training, maybe by mile 3 I didn't care any more, I don't know, but I looked forward to it every time.

Now as an adult, I know I probably won't win, because lets face it, I had a baby 7 months ago who doesn't like for me to sleep and I haven't exercised since I've had him. Plus the fact that I'm a slow runner. What I'm really excited about is that they have a tot hop for little kids. Abby will be participating in this and she better win! (We have kids so we can live vicariously through them, right?) So we are going to have a fun family day on March 20, racing our little hearts out. Anyone want to come with us?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Years Resolutions

Oh no, you say. Not another blog about New Years Resolutions. Well, I learned a long time ago, that if you want to keep your resolutions, you need to be realistic and do one thing at a time. For example, last year, my resolution was to be cleaner. If you ever came to my house regularly, you would know why. So I decided that for 2009, I would deep clean one room a day, dusting mopping, the works. I was able to do that and keep doing it for the whole year. My whole house wasn't always clean, but at least one room was - and with a 2 year old and an infant I think that's pretty good. This year, in addition to keeping my house clean, my resolution is to do my visiting teaching 100%. I am so bad, that last year I was at 0%. So this year, I'm going to do it! It's my only resolution so I know it will happen. (It better. Maybe I should have just put 50%. hmmmmmm I'll have to think about that one.) Happy New Year!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Life Saver

So, a long time ago, I posted on Facebook about how Craig saved a life. Here's the story:

Craig teaches a class a couple times a week. During one of his classes, one of his patients started choking on some pieces of candy cane she was eating. She stood up and was choking. Craig asked her if she was choking and she nodded her head "yes." Then he slapped her on the back and it didn't do anything, so he gave her the Heimlich Maneuver and those candy canes shot right out of her mouth. After this the whole class applauded Craig. I never thought I would hear so many cool stories from Craig when he comes home from work. A dietitian's work is never done...

Friday, January 15, 2010

New Year, New Do

Like it? I chose to chop off all my hair last week, due to certain babies always pulling it out. I had Craig take this picture of me this morning when I woke up. ( Just in case you are wondering, it is DEFINATELY not a picture I found off the internet with a girl that just happens to look just like me ;) Man, it takes forever to cover up that watermark on my neck every morning.)

My sister-in-law Brook cut it for me and I think it looks pretty darn good, as you can see from the photo. The best part is I don't have to do much and it still looks better than my best efforts with long hair. Thanks Brook!

Oh, and if you're interested, Brook is available to do YOUR hair. If you would like her number, let me know and I can get that to you.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas Vacation

In no particular order....

Ice skating. Craig is good at it. Robyn can do it without falling. Abby hates it.

Temple square. This is the only picture we got because it was snowing, cold and Abby was very unhappy with the cold. The lights were pretty though.

Craig now believes in snow and snowmen as it snowed for 2 days while we were there. Our 1st snowman together. I thought it turned out pretty good.

Tad gets to shovel snow. I'm laughing as it's warm and sunny outside down here. HA!

When the rest of the family saw our AWESOME snowman, they wanted in on the action.

I like the unibrow on that one.

Thanks for the ornaments Grandma Faye Lee!

Before we left for Utah. We watched the Christmas parade. Needless to say, Abby was very happy with the amount of broken candy canes she got.

Right before we left for Utah, Abby decided it would be fun to color on her and Rex's faces.

Notice how she used highlighter on her face and permanent marker on Rex's face. That is a smart girl.

Borrowing some cute snowpants from her cousins to go sledding, which she did not like. I think she is a true California girl.

Josef helped with our snowman. Wow, these pictures are really out of order.

Meeting new cousins. Abby had a blast getting to know all of her cousins and we were sad to leave. It was by far one of the best vacations we've had.